Stay Cool in Spring & Summer.
In Edmonton, summers may be short but in the past few years rising temps have made central air conditioning a sought after home comfort. The initial purchase of an air conditioner may seem a little costly but the luxury of having a cool home during heat waves justifies the cost in the long run. In addition to installation Knight Heating also offers full air conditioner servicing.
When purchasing an new air conditioner there are multiple decisions to make prior to purchase. What is your price range? Which rooms in your home would do you want to have cool air? And How environment friendly do you want your air conditioner to be? We offer the choice of good, better and best to ensure there is a air conditioner that suites your needs.
For over a century, Bryant has been developing and delivering reliable products, 100% run-tested before leaving the factory.
In addition to air conditioners we we use many other products in our installation and repairs. Below are some of the more common products we use.
For removal of condensate from an air conditioner, suitable for high efficiency, gas furnace condensation, and condensing boilers.
Air conditioning manufacturers make rugged, high quality products that are designed to withstand the elements; snow, wind, rain, sun, and extreme heat/cold. However, an air conditioner’s filters, coils and fins require regular maintenance for the unit to operate effectively and efficiently throughout its years of service. Air conditioner covers are an integral part of regular maintenance.